Build Own Operation (BOO)

The ARB Modular Waste Water Treatment Plants offer effective solutions for waste water treatment and disposal challenges.

Standard ARB Plants are cost-effective for treating waste water, catering to a single house or populations ranging from 100 to 5000 persons. Larger plants and support services are available for more extensive populations. Complete supply services, including tankage, pumping stations, soak way systems, and sampling chambers, are provided. For complex issues like Municipal or Industrial effluent treatment, Biosystems offers Consultancy and Contracting services. Biosystems technology, developed through two decades of research, focuses on innovative wastewater treatment, incorporating the latest developments in MBR Process and ARB Cross-Flow Bio media Air Recirculation Bio Reactor Process. The ARB Forced Draft Enclosed Air Recirculation BioReactor, based on this technology, simplifies and enhances the treatment process, accommodating influent flows continuously. It achieves nitrification, denitrification, and clarification in a modular system. The design flexibility of the Biosystems ARB Process contributes to substantial market advantages.

Ready to Delivery to You

ARB Air Recirculation Bio-Reactor Offer:

Biosystems ARB process is a combination of anaerobic, aerobic and anoxic biological treatment process which maximizes the efficiency of the biomass to degrade organic matter. Incorporated in the design is a special patented cross flow Pacmedia. This together with the unique design for recirculation and reuse of the vented air process over the media, vastly reduces the energy required and substantially increases vigorous and various colony of the right micro-organism. It is the efficiency of the biomass on the Pacmedia. That is all important.

  • Operational Ease
  • Environmental Sensitivity
  • Low Cost / High Efficiency
  • Unique design in the reuse of vented air recirculation down through the geometrically structured PacMedia that make all difference.


Jl. Tambak Sari No.1, Sanur, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80228.

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